7 Steps to Find the Right Career for You

3 min read

Anthony O'neal
7 Steps to Find the Right Career for You

The quest for the perfect career is one that most people are familiar with. You know you should be happy at work, but figuring out what job will make you feel fulfilled is hard. 

Finding your ideal position can be overwhelming and stressful, especially when you need help figuring out where to start.

But there's good news: There's a way to find the right career for you. I've put together some practical steps to help guide your search so that you can land a job that makes sense for your life.

1. Create a personal vision statement

A personal vision statement is a document in which you articulate your goals, ambitions, and values. It helps you strategize your life to reflect what's most important to you.

Creating a personal vision statement is one of the best ways to figure out what career is right for you. When working at your ideal job, you feel passionate about your work, like you're making a difference in the world, and your life is aligned with your values.

Importance of creating a personal vision statement

A personal vision statement will help you create a roadmap for your life so that you can make good decisions about where to go from here. It'll give you something to measure future career options against so that you can quickly determine whether something is worth pursuing.

It'll also help you avoid getting caught up in the rat race. Knowing what kind of life you want to lead makes it easier to see when other people are trying to convince you to take a different path.

2. Take career assessments

Taking a career assessment is the next step in finding your best fit. This can be an online or in-person test, and it will help you identify the occupations that are a good match for your personality, skills, and interests.

Your assessment results can guide you to a career path more likely to be successful and rewarding. It may also reveal some things about yourself that you weren't aware of before, like how cooperative or analytical you are, giving insight into what might motivate or challenge you in a work environment.

How do you take career assessments?

There are several different assessments available. Some are free, and others cost money, but most can be taken online or in person at a career center or other agency that offers them.

The assessments typically take about an hour to complete and may include questions about your personality, interests, and values.

Some assessments are geared toward specific career fields, and others address broader topics such as leadership or communication skills.

You may be asked about work-related experiences, such as what motivates you or what kind of job interests you.

3. Talk to the people who know you best

Ask the people who know you best to describe your skills, abilities, and personality traits. 

Consider asking someone who has been a supervisor or manager, such as a former boss or colleague. They can help you identify what makes you unique and thriving at work.

Why should you talk to people who know you?

  • They can help you get a clear picture of your strengths and weaknesses:
  • They can give examples of how you've used your skills in different situations.
  • They can provide specific details about the way you work with others, including what motivates them and how to handle difficult situations.
  • They may have insights to help you better understand yourself and your career goals.

4. Narrow your options and commit to pursuing a specific path

You've probably started to narrow down your choices. If not, take some time to think about the possibilities. Write down everything that interests you and see what they have in common. What traits do they share? Do they share any skills or knowledge? Is there a theme running through them?

Now that you've got a good idea of what career would be right for you, it's time to commit fully to pursuing one path instead of several.

Be bold and make decisions based on what feels right at each step because these steps will help make sure this decision becomes a reality!

How to narrow your options down to one?

The first thing you can do is write down all the careers that interest you and what they entail. Then, eliminate them based on salary, location, and hours worked.

Next, narrow down your list by thinking about the job type best fits your personality. If a career requires a lot of social interaction and travel, that's not right for you if you're more introverted or prefer staying in one place for long periods.

Narrow down your list to about three careers, and then start researching each one's requirements. You should ensure that you have the necessary education, skills, and experience for whatever career you choose.

5. Talk to people already in the industry

You're not the only one looking for a job in this field. You see, while your friends and family may support you, they may not know much about the field you want to enter. 

They might need help understanding what it takes or what it entails. Instead, try talking with people who are already working in that industry. They'll have more valuable information for you than anyone else.

Ask them about their career path: 

  • How did they get there? 
  • What steps did they take along the way? 
  • Do they enjoy their job? 
  • What was their first day like at their current company, and why did they choose this particular workplace? 
  • What kind of culture does the company have, and how does that compare with other companies where they have worked before?
  • How much do they make as part of their current position? 

These questions will give you some insight into whether or not getting an entry-level position within this field would be worth it.

6. Decide if you need further training

Once you have identified the right career for you, it is time to consider if further education or training is needed.

This may be necessary to increase your chances of employment and advance in a chosen field. Here are some questions to answer:

  • How much will further training cost? 
  • How long will it take to complete? 
  • What job benefits can be expected as a result of additional training? 

Answering these questions will help determine whether or not further education should be pursued.

Try taking a class before committing yourself fully to an educational program. 

For instance, if you want to be a dental hygienist but aren't sure if that's the direction you want to go, consider taking some classes at community college or going on externships at dental offices so that you can decide if it is genuinely what interests you most before making any long-term commitments.

Importance of getting further training

If you have a degree or certificate, it may be easier for you to find a new job. When looking for work, employers will often check if you have further training before considering your application.

With training, your skills will become more specialized, and you’ll gain specific knowledge of a topic with a degree or certificate. This can make you more valuable to employers who need someone with these skills. In addition, specialized training will allow you to do things previously unavailable in your current position.

Training also helps you to improve at what you already do: Your job will become easier and more enjoyable. If you're working in a specialized area, you can do it faster and better than someone without training.

Generally, training also opens doors for you to move to a better position or even into another company altogether. Employers may be more willing to promote someone with additional education because they know this person will be able to handle new responsibilities.

7. Network, network, network

You can't do this alone. The adage "It's not what you know, it's who you know" is still relevant today. 

The more people you know and the more people you are connected with, the better your chances of finding a job or getting in touch with someone who knows someone who can help you out.

Networking is about building relationships with others, and it goes both ways. If someone reaches out and offers advice or guidance, take it. You must also be willing to learn from the experiences of others.

There are various people out there who have gone through situations similar to yours, so don't be afraid to ask questions or share what has happened at other jobs, internships, and schools if they ask how things are going for you right now.

Why should you network?

Your network can be valuable for job opportunities, career advice, and mentorship. It helps you build your professional network. You'll have additional opportunities as you expand your network.

You get to know people who have experience in different roles or industries, which can help you make career choices in the future. You can learn more about what it’s like to work in a certain field or with a specific company. This can help you make the right decision when choosing where to work next.

You'll learn about job openings at companies that may not be advertised elsewhere. You'll get an inside look at what the company is looking for in potential candidates, and this can assist you in modifying your cover letter and CV to suit their requirements.

It also helps you improve your skills by learning from others and sharing your knowledge. You can learn how to do certain things in the workplace that you wouldn't otherwise have known how to do. This can help you become a better employee, leading to promotions or raises.


Now that you’ve learned how to find a career path, I hope that you feel empowered and ready to take on the world. 

Remember: There are no wrong answers and no one way to go about creating a perfect plan for your future. Whatever route works for you is great. Also, it's not just about taking tests or talking to people. It's about discovering what inspires you and ensuring it shows up in your work daily. 

But if I had to give one piece of advice, it would be this: Don’t let fear stop you from pursuing your dream job. 

Although there will inevitably be challenges along the way, those who keep their hearts open typically find happiness and success in unexpected places.


If you’re interested in software development or other careers in the tech industry, consider training with Bethel Tech. They’re training young men and women for amazing careers in the growing tech field, from software development to UX/UI design and more. Check out https://betheltech.net/ for more!

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