The Debt Calculator will help you understand the ins and outs of your particular journey towards financial freedom.
Your debts
Start off by listing your current debt below, not including any mortgage debt you may have:
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Household income
This includes any income you may make each month after taxes.
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Additional contribution
If you would like to add to your minimum required payment, please add the value in below:
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Your debt breakdown:
Your debt free date:
This is the date you will be debt-free if you were to continue paying the minimum amount required:

Your current total debt:
of your income
Credit card(s):
Credit card 1:
Credit card 2:
Student loan(s):
Student loan 1:
Car loan(s):
Car loan 1:
Other debt(s):
Car repairs:
Vet bills:

If you’re ready to take action and move towards financial freedom, then click the button below and grab your free copy of The Ultimate Guide to Debt Payoff: Practical Steps Towards Financial Freedom.